
Strong business support for entrepreneurs and business owners. Empowering you, through wild retreats and coaching, to stress less, earn more and be yourself.



Be the ‘go to’ in your industry leveraging your natural skills, unique experience and talents


Find more aligned customers who understand your value and will pay your worth, without the hustle


Create a stabilised income with a tribe of motivated people who will support you and guarantee longevity


Invest in yourself and you will thrive.

It’s time to act, right here, right now…

It may be gentle, but it is strong.

Our wild retreats and personal coaching will help you stay true to your values under pressure, lead change without anxiety and invite innovation, even when there is insecurity around you.

It’s time to step back in to yourself, build power based on your unique talents and thrive.

You are everything, but you don’t need to do it alone. With options including one to one coaching, group workshops and rewinding weekends, there is a solution to suit your needs, time and budget.


Find out what’s coming up at TGB, get free tools and exclusive offers


Tell shame to shut up and fear to do one!

Why Wintering an Idea can Increase its Worth

Why speaking gently is so loud and clear



Instagram @thegentlebusiness